Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hello! This is my first post! I'm still not in Belgium yet, but I leave tomorrow! It is my last day in U S and A... How sad. There is still so much I want to do, and not enough time to do it. For example, today as I sit and eat my mac n' cheese (how quintessentially American) you can bet I will be thinking- will I eat this again within the year? will I still even like it a year from now?

Enough of the nostalgia.

I'm really excited because my host family has decided to keep me for the whole year and has made arrangements so I can do so! In addition, there will be another kid from AFS in my town- an American! (who will probably know more french than I... that isn't hard)

Anyway, I have my address(in Belgium,) so e-mail me, or comment if you want it.

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